As a professional body, MeLSAT has the following strengths.
- MeLSAT has a Constitution.
- MeLSAT has been registered as a professional body in Tanzania since 1981.
- MeLSAT has a large number of experienced health laboratory practitioners who are willing to work with her to help her meet her goals.
- MeLSAT has audited financial reports at the end of each financial year.
The Medical Laboratory Scientists Association of Tanzania, is the professional association for Medical Laboratory Scientists, Technologist’s, and Assistant Health Laboratory Technicians/ Technologists in Tanzania.
MeLSAT was registered with the Registrar of Societies of Tanzania and inaugurated in 1981. By that time the country was only having about 60 registered Health Laboratory Technologists. Most of them were based in Dar es Salaam and were engaged in teaching, research, and a few in diagnostic services.
- More than 1500 Members throughout the country
- Five MELSAT zones
- Four Regional Branches
- Eight Years constructively of organising International Laboratory Week commemoration in Tanzania
- 32 Years of organising National Laboratory scientific conference
- introduction of an online medical laboratory directory
Capacity building to the Laboratory Practitioners through Continuing Development Education (CPD) Training
Leading management that operates MeLSAT
To advance medical Laboratory Sciences by creating a forum for Laboratory professional development to raise the quality of Health Laboratory data.